As you might know the paper industry is a very Circular industry. E.g. all our paper originates from sustainably managed forests and the fibres are re-processed in the paper and board cycle. At Crown Van Gelder we want to make the extra step. But how can we become even more sustainable?
Check the mini-documentary below (6 min) and see Milas Dronkers (CEO Crown Van Gelder), Paul Mesters (CEO Cosun Beet Company), Jan Rops (Productmanger Crown Van Gelder) and Richelle Van Helten (Marketing Manager Van Gilse) explain how our collaboration will lead to the ambition of Crown Van Gelder to Change The World of Paper, towards an even more sustainable paper.
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06 June 2024
Crown Letsgo Papers at Drupa: Speed & Precision
Ever wondered how Crown Letsgo High Performance Papers or Silk XF achieve their unmatched speed and flawless execution? Take a peek behind the curtain at Drupa!
23 November 2020
A promised land
Dutch paper mill Crown Van Gelder developed a new book paper for Barack Obama’s memoir ‘A Promised Land’.
28 May 2024
Discover Crown Van Gelder paper at Drupa 2024
Experience the unparalleled quality and versatility of Crown Letsgo inkjet papers at Drupa 2024! The power of our paper will be demonstrated on printing and finishing equipment and through ready-made samples.