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Home Markets Technical specialties Crown Form Lasercard

Crown Form Lasercard

Versatile basepaper for corrugated or solid board liner.

Talk to our packaging expert

Eric Koops
Product Manager Packaging, Label & Technical Specialties
+31 683 966 834

Print methods Laser and inkjet
Special featuresWhite paper, excelent printability.
CIE Whiteness139
Basisweight (g/m2)Caliper (um) Bendtsen roughness Topside (ml/min)Tensile MD/CD (kg/15 mm)Tear (MD/CD mN)
801011308.5 / 3.75625 / 675
1001201409.5 / 4.25725 / 825
12014416010.0 / 4.75825 / 975
14016116011.0 / 5.5925 / 1000
17019618012.5 / 6.5 1125 / 1325


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